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Are liquid funds a good alternative for insurance schemes? Why?


Are liquid funds a good alternative for insurance schemes? Why?

As an investor looking to build wealth over the long term, you have many options to consider. Traditional choices like fixed deposits, mutual funds, and insurance plans are popular. Still, liquid funds are emerging as an alternative that provides stability and flexibility.

Liquid funds: Benefits, returns, and risks involved - CoinSwitch

Let’s explore whether liquid funds could be a viable option for you to achieve your financial goals.

Understanding liquid funds as an investment option

Liquid funds are debt funds that invest in fixed-income securities with very short maturities. These instruments include certificates of deposit, treasury bills, and commercial paper, all with 91 days or less period. You can also enjoy the advantage of liquidity, allowing you to redeem your investment without incurring a significant loss.

Comparing liquid funds and insurance plans

As an investor looking to build your portfolio, you have several options to consider for wealth generation over the long term. Two popular choices are liquid funds and insurance plans. Here are some key differences to keep in mind when comparing these instruments:

Risk and returns

Insurance plans offer protection and savings, with returns often tied to market conditions. Whereas liquid funds are designed to provide capital preservation and liquidity with lower risk. The returns from liquid funds are generally modest but more stable than the market-linked returns of certain insurance plans.


The term “liquid” in liquid funds signifies the ease with which you can convert your investments into cash. This aspect makes liquid funds liquid, allowing you to access your funds in case of urgent financial requirements. Insurance plans, while providing financial security, may lack the same level of liquidity.

Tax implications

Liquid funds may offer tax benefits compared to certain insurance plans. Capital gains from debt funds held for more than three years are taxed lower than the returns from traditional insurance plans.

Why should you consider investing in liquid funds?

To determine if liquid funds are the right choice for your investment portfolio, you must consider these factors:

Consider your investment time horizon – Liquid funds are ideal if you need access to your funds within a short period, such as less than a year. For long-term goals, other options may provide higher returns.

Understand your need for liquidity – If you want the flexibility to withdraw money without penalty, liquid funds can meet that need. If you do not need frequent access to your funds, you may get better returns from less liquid alternatives like fixed deposits.

Determine your risk appetite – Liquid funds are considered very low risk, as the underlying investments are in cash and cash equivalents. Equity funds or stocks may suit you better if you have a higher risk tolerance for higher returns.

Consider your investment goals – Liquid funds aim to provide stable income while preserving capital. If your goal is capital appreciation through high market returns, liquid funds may not achieve that goal. Alternative options like equity funds aim for higher returns, although with higher risk.

Bottom line

Liquid funds can be an attractive alternative to insurance plans if you want flexibility and control over your investments. The high liquidity and stable returns offered by liquid funds allow you to access your money whenever needed without penalty.

As an investor, aligning your choices with your unique financial goals, risk appetite, and time horizon is crucial. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to create a well-rounded portfolio that addresses short-term and long-term objectives.

Susan M. Davis

Tv expert. Proud web nerd. Friend of animals everywhere. Hipster-friendly coffee trailblazer. Spent college summers short selling clip-on ties in Hanford, CA. Spent two years developing jack-in-the-boxes for fun and profit. At the moment I'm merchandising human growth hormone in Prescott, AZ. Spent several years implementing birdhouses for the underprivileged. Had some great experience lecturing about spit-takes worldwide. What gets me going now is building chess sets in the aftermarket.
